Monday, November 4, 2013

It's football time!

The Steelers played the New England Patriots today.  As it seems like a rebuilding year, we had some friends over and spent more time watching the Cleveland Browns win, then actually watching the Steelers game.  

But anyway, we decided on doing a boiled dinner of corned beef since this is typical New England fare, along with some roasted carrots ( because they taste so much better than boiled) and baked sweet potato fries.  

Week Six Menu

Corned Beef Sandwiches
Roasted Carrots
Cajun Sweet Potato Fries

To make the corned beef, I just placed it in the crockpot and covered it with water and the spices that come with it.  I set the crockpot to 165 degrees and let it cook on low.  It took about 4 -5 hours on low and then I let it sit on warm for a few hours until we were ready to eat! 

Joey carved that baby up and it was yummy! It's such a simple meal, how can you not make it! 

You could even put your veggies right in the crockpot with the meat if you like.  I would cook the meat and then take it out and let the veggies ( carrots, cabbage, and potatoes) continue to cook for another hour or two. 

Next week it's buffalo time! Oh my god, I can't wait! Buffalo dip, wings, and sliders here we come!

The Steelers may not be having the best season, but we are eating pretty darn good 😄🏈

Never Stop Cooking~Melissa

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